Post-retirement syndrome by Bill Clarke : Blog
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Post-retirement syndrome by Bill Clarke

by Barbara Lawrence on 09/27/11

"Re: Retired Husband Syndrome Barbara--I ran across your article on RHS on the website. I am a retired management consultant/educator and recently wrote a book on the non-financial aspects of retirement. As you know, 99% of the books on retirement planning are actually about financial planning with precious little about the whole life or social aspects of retirement. My book, Retirement Renaissance, provides retirees with a truly comprehensive retirement planning guide that addresses all the issues that retirees deal with in real life. I read about your commentary on RHS with interest because I identified a similar condition that I call "Post-Retirement Syndrome". It is the same type of phenomenon that the Japanese describe. If you are interested in establishing a dialog, please send me your contact information and I will send a more detailed description of the syndrome. You can learn more about me and the book by going to Best wishes, Bill Clarke,"

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It's an odd mix of photographs, I agree: The cover of The Hungry i: A workbook for partners of men with eating disorders (that's me with Johanna Kandel, Director of The Alliance for Eating Disorders, launching the book in Florida this winter.  Then there's a photograph looking towards the outer islands off the coast of Mount Desert Island, the setting for my novel, Islands of Time.  The next photograph, taken in the fall of 1939, shows my mother Barbara Kent Greene, and her brother Ralph Kent Green, just as she signed up for the Voluntary Aid Detachment, and was hastily trained to take the place of fully trained nurses during World War II.  No, that isn't a typo.  Her last name was originally Green, but she changed it to Greene when she made her first film in 1936.  My uncle Kent signed up for the army 9 days after Great Britain declared war on Germany in September, 1939.  At the time I think this photograph was taken, he was just about to leave for France where he served with the British Expeditionary Forces, and was later rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk when the German Army stormed into France.  The last photograph is of me when my partner Bob and I were in Florida.

​EXPLANATION OF TEXT COLORS:  We'll discuss three major topics about which I've written or am writing books and articles: EATING DISORDERS IN MEN (BLACK), new writing (TEALWORLD WAR II (NAVY BLUE), and  SMALL SCHOOLS (GREEN). If a topic doesn't fit within these confines I'll write it in  ORANGE.   I hope this system will help you find posts that interest you, and avoid those that don't.