Post-retirement syndrome by Bill Clarke
by Barbara Lawrence on 09/27/11
"Re: Retired Husband Syndrome Barbara--I ran across your article on RHS on the website. I am a retired management consultant/educator and recently wrote a book on the non-financial aspects of retirement. As you know, 99% of the books on retirement planning are actually about financial planning with precious little about the whole life or social aspects of retirement. My book, Retirement Renaissance, provides retirees with a truly comprehensive retirement planning guide that addresses all the issues that retirees deal with in real life. I read about your commentary on RHS with interest because I identified a similar condition that I call "Post-Retirement Syndrome". It is the same type of phenomenon that the Japanese describe. If you are interested in establishing a dialog, please send me your contact information and I will send a more detailed description of the syndrome. You can learn more about me and the book by going to Best wishes, Bill Clarke,"